Overlapping Magisteria - The Gay Dilemma

A Response to Rebuttal on Gay Unions

This problem of "Gay Marriage" is not just a problem of nomenclature. It is not just about whether we should call it a "marriage" or a "civil union"  It is all about allowing or prohibiting an alteration in the public perception of homosexuality.  There is a segment of the population that deeply fear the consequences that they imagine will come about if homosexuality becomes as legitimate as heterosexuality.

Also one should consider that marriage is not just a secular term.  It also falls within the domain of religious authority. This overlap creates a disturbing confusion to some   Many Christians think of the word marriage as representing a holy sacrament.  The concept of what gays and lesbians do with each other disgusts some people.  They simply have a visceral gut reaction to their mental images.  And are offended by the idea that "abnormal" "sinful" people should have their union be blessed by God.

To call Gay unions anything else than marriage is simply a maneuver to prevent a change in the public perception of homosexuality.  Giving gay marriage a name of its own is intended to uphold the perception that gays and their lifestyle are anomalies and inferior.  You don't need to say it outright.  It is just inherent in the denial of giving equal status to gay and lesbian citizens.

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