Newt The Nominee

Surprising to me, the polls now show that Professor Newt Gingrich is far out ahead of his rivals in popularity among Republicans.  I really thought his campaign was dead in the water with his staff abandoning him and his lack of adequate campaign finances.  But it seems the dead can rise again.  Although many have asked whether he can ever live down his reputation of being the ultimate Washington insider he seems confident in himself.  And why not, I suppose, when one considers the other possible candidates.

And Gingrich himself seems to believe that he will be the Republican nominee for president.  And just as I was beginning to think that Ron Paul might really stand a chance of getting it, as other candidates seem to be self-destructing before our eyes.  

In this clip from a video interview below I don't see Newt knock on wood.  So, I guess his self confidence or perhaps more correctly his arrogance is genuine.


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